A brand that cares for community

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The Eden Tea brand cares for the local community. The firm offers financial and material support to local schools and children homes within Limuru, Thika and the wider Kiambu County.

As a member of Kamiti River Water Resource Users Association (WRUA), Eden Tea also is involved in environmental conservation.  It donates indigenous tree seedlings for planting at the river banks and by the tea farmers.

Kamiti River WRUA is involved in the conservation of the river, which traverses the vast tea estates in Limuru and stretches beyond Kiambu County.

Other causes that Eden Tea  has been involved in over the  years include support to the Limuru Half Marathon, cash  donations to the Rhino Ark in  support of fencing of Mt Kenya  and Aberdare forests, and  humanitarian support, such  as the Kenyans for Kenyans  Initiative in aid of communities  in Turkana County.

Eden Tea holding company better known as “Nature Kenya”. This is an environmental society that promotes the study and conservation of nature in Eastern Africa.

Due to the Eden Tea’s environmental conservation efforts, Karirana’s ecosystem is home to a large number of different species of birds. It is a good site for ardent bird watchers.

Eden Tea will be a Chestnut Sponsor in support of the Forest Challenge 2018 at Kereita Forest in Lari. The event is organized by the Kijabe Environment Volunteers (KENVO), Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and the East African Wild Life Society (EAWLS). It is aimed at raising awareness about the value of forestry in Kenya, while rehabilitating key water catchment sites.

In the last few years, Karirana Estates has been part of the route used by the Rift Valley Odyssey bikers, who enjoy the trails through the greenery of the tea estate.

“All these environmental initiatives resonate very well with Eden Tea’s commitment to environmental sustainability and are in line with the Rainforest Alliance

Together with the local administration, Eden Tea security personnel regularly take part in national day celebrations. The firm too has a staff training and recreation centre that is used by local stakeholders for meetings and seminars free of charge, and in particular for local security committee meetings.

The company also provides internships to students from various institutions of higher learning, who are pursuing disciplines relevant to the tea business.

“We consider most of the students from the local community, especially whose parents are our out-growers.  We then proceed to offer them employment when opportunities arise,” explains Mr. Ngige.

Schools from across the country also get to tour Karirana Estates to give their students a learning experience in the processing and growing of tea.

With over 800 workers and more than 500 tea out growers supplying tea leaves to the company’s factory, Karirana Estates supports the social economic development of the community in line with responsible corporate citizenship.

Karirana Estates is a corporate  member of “The East African  Natural History Society”, now

Certification that we maintain,”  says Karirana General Manager  Joseph Ngige.

of the community in line  with responsible corporate  citizenship.

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